Thursday, June 28, 2007

Ron Hunter spotted this pretty Spotted Turtle!

Ron Hunter spotted this lovely turtle while he was working on the Easthead Trail. Spotted turtles are known to live 26 years but they may live to be twice that age! Massachusetts Department of Fish and Game is concerned about these little beauties because populations are declining and now they are on the Massachusetts Endangered Species List. Unfortunately, they like to burrow underneath grassy or muddy areas near ponds and in marshlands during the summer to keep cool. Quite often people and vehicles crush them but many are killed on roads. If you see a spotted turtle, or any other wildlife species, observe from afar or try to protect it while its crossing the road. Don't forget. All wild animals bite.

Saturday, June 9, 2007


This is by far the biggest Snapping Turtle I've ever seen. He/She was aside of the road on it's way to the nearest careful when you go into that water.