Saturday, May 5, 2007

1st Meeting

The first meeting of "The Friends of Myles Standish State Forest" took place Thursday evening on May 3rd under the direction of Sharl Heller and Bob MacKenzie. Approximately 35 enthusiastic people showed up for the meeting. People with a variety of user interests, such as; equestrian trail riding, hiking, and mountain bikers, to name a few. Topics discussed included, brushing back the hiking trails and placing trail markers, clean-up of trees and brush that have fallen due to the recent storms, forming a volunteer work crew to help with the clean-up and general maintenance, mapping trails, and the ongoing ORV problem. Several volunteers have formed subgroups to work on publicity, hiking trails, equestrian trails, work crews, and the forming of a 501c non profit status. Anyone wishing to volunteer should contact Sharl Heller at; slheller at comcast dot net or by phone 508 833 3588.


MargoT CORE said...

Wonderful to finaly have a group of people what care about the Forest and are willing to work
Good Luck to the Friends of Myles Standish State Forest

slh said...

Great job Maggie! I can't believe we already have a blog up and running. What an enthusiastic group!

The SE District Management Forester, James Rassman, contacted me today and offered to take Friends on a forestry/fire field trip to introduce us to the vegetation management, prescribed fire, forestry practices that are occurring in the Forest. I think it is very important that many Friends go. Is anyone else interested?

slh said...

Our web designer is looking for photos showing people engaged in various activities in the MSSF. If you have a great photo taken in the MSSF that you'd like to have on the Friends of MSSF website send it to